Wednesday, July 25, 2012

About Forgiveness...

Through the centuries, Christians have trod through days with the weight of ‘true repentance and confession’ being some impossible prerequisite for forgiveness. Thankfully, God’s grace and forgiveness is available for all because of God’s love, not because of our sincerity in being ‘truly   sorry’. We could never be ‘sorry’ enough, however, the act of confession is a rite that opens up our heart and mind to honesty and truthfulness before our loving God. By letting God know how our hearts are changed or our minds are convicted by the awareness of our need for God’s purifying and transformative forgiveness, we learn more and more about God and about ourselves.

The Lutheran church believes and practices both public or corporate confession (like we have in worship) and private confession. While we do not practice private confession as an obligation, we do recognize the need that some may have to sit down with another in the faith to have a witness to their lament and to have a word of absolution or grace proclaimed aloud. Private confession is always available, but will most especially be available in this time of the  series ‘Amazing Grace: Lessons on Transformative Forgiveness’. If you should desire to participate in Private  Confession with one of the pastors, please call either Pastor Lynnae or Pastor Brad or the church office to set up an appointment – 892-4040.

With abiding love,
Pastor Lynnae

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