Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"Other Sheep"

I am the good shepherd; and I know my own, and my own know me, even as the Father knows me and I know my Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And I have other sheep which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they shall hear my voice; and they shall become one flock with one shepherd. (John 10:14-16)

As I write this article, I’ve just returned from spending some time with "other sheep". I spent some time with Jewish Rabbi’s, Islamic Imam’s, Indian Sikh’s, Scientologists and more. I sat and broke bread with other citizens of Austin. We prayed together, we shared stories and we cried.

I was a guest of Ben Heimsath, one of the owners of our Architectural Firm working on our remodel. Ben invited me to the I-Act (Interfaith Action of Central Texas) at the "Friends of Faith" luncheon. The topic:  "A Friendship Forged from Tragedy. Two Voices Raised Against Extremism".

The featured speakers were Nader Hassan and Kerry Cahill of the Nawal Foundation.  Mr. Hassan’s cousin is on trial for allegedly killing Kerry’s father at Fort Hood. Together they are speaking out against violence, extremism, media hype and they are speaking for dialogue, education and collaboration. I was humbled by their vulnerability. They are friends; these two who were joined by tragedy have become friends as they work to change the world. 

Ms. Cahill warned us, the twenty or so clergy that were present, that "tolerance and coexisting is not enough". We just cannot live in a bubble thinking that all things revolve around our little church. We just cannot be so overwhelmed with tasks that we don’t get the real business of being church done. We must find ways to listen, serve and celebrate with all faiths. We must find ways to let God use us for good.

The good shepherd loves and protects all. Let’s stand out as a congregation and community that supports inter-faith dialogue, collaboration and just plain loving all. Join me to pray for this kind of peace. God of love, give us courage to welcome all. Give us strength to stand against injustice. Give us wisdom to see you in all we meet. Amen.