Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Creating Space for Grace!

“God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times – having all that you need – you will abound in every good work.” -- 2 Corinthians 9:8
Creating Space for Grace!
I’ve heard of churches where visitors never get talked to.
I’ve heard of churches that say exactly who can and can’t participate.
I’ve heard of churches that don’t visit the sick, the shut- in or the stumbling.
I’ve heard of churches that hush children and never clap, and don’t like tattoos and never, never-ever say “it’s going to be alright”.

Instead, I am privileged to be in a community that seeks God’s Grace in our church, in our world and in our own lives. What an honor it is to be trusted by God with the pastoral leadership of this congregation. I am humbled by the integrity and grace that the members of Abiding Love share. I am encouraged by the bold steps that this Church’s leadership bounds toward. 

Space is not only about buildings and hallways. Space is also about emotions and attitudes.
Creating Space for Grace is the theme for our Capital Appeal and it says more about God and God’s work than it does about us. God, who gives us everything we need is radically loose in our world, encouraging us to make Space for Grace.

Martin Luther said; “Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.” 

I pray that you will live into that daring confidence of God’s grace as you walk with us in this Appeal. It’s not only about renovating the original buildings, it is also about taking the next step as a community church, reaching into the depths of God’s Grace. 

I belong to a church where visitors are embraced with Grace!
I belong to a church where ALL are welcome!
I belong to a church whose members – not only pastors – visit the sick, the shut-in, and reach out to catch the stumbling.
I belong to a church that celebrates children, that joyfully worships with hands and voice, that is marked by crosses and that knows that with God – it will be alright.

I belong to Abiding Love Lutheran Church!