Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Praying for rain!

The other day a member said to me, “Don’t worry, Pastor, God will send the rains”. Funny, I pray for rain all the time, but you don’t see me carrying around an umbrella. I guess I believe that God is going to work on ‘weather channel’ timing. You know, God is going to stir up the clouds and make them move in, in a circular motion from the coast just so we can all watch them on the radar screen. I think it is easier to blame God for the drought than it is to believe that God is really taking care of us. I’m not sure why the cycle of seasons that God created is dried up right now, but I am sure that God is in charge. If I believe in God and God’s mercy, then I don’t need to worry about the weather. Instead, I celebrate God’s presence. I am thankful for the beauty of the seasons. I will keep praying, because I know that God hears my prayers. Maybe I should start carrying an umbrella.

** Please remember that we never, no matter what our age or status, stop learning about God. Join a Sunday School class, a Bible study, or a small group with inspirational devotions. Make the NEW season one that includes ‘study’.

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