Thursday, June 11, 2009

Depression, Recession... What To do?

I remember as a college student doing a special report for my history class about the depression of the 30’s. I remember interviewing my grandfather and thinking that it was all so very unbelievable. I remember thinking, “Well, we’ve fixed all that and it will never happen again.”

Yesterday, we got the news that Texas would be among the states that would rebound faster – from this ‘recession’. Banks may fail. Car companies may declare bankruptcy. Vast numbers of people may be laid off. But, we will rebound.

My grandfather told me that in his day, as a young father and dried out farmer, all he could do to feed his family was to work for the government driving a wagon. He only got the job because he had a good stubborn mule. He worked hard, saved his dignity, and prayed. He stayed faithful to Turkey Valley Lutheran Church at his home in Irene, South Dakota.

I have looked to find information about what the churches did during the Great Depression. I really can’t find anything different. They seemed to keep on doing what they were doing. They preached the good news and they loved their neighbor. They helped each other. They fed the hungry. They worshiped, and taught their children. They baptized, and buried.

What kind of Stewardship message does the church in financial crises need to hear? I believe that we need to hear that God continues to call us to administer the sacraments, love our neighbor, and preach the good news. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Today, is no different.

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