Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Ash Wednesday, February 25th, begins the season of Lent. Lent lasts for 40 days (not counting Sundays when we commemorate the Resurrection) and ends with Holy Week on Maundy Thursday. I can remember growing up being very excited about Lent. It was a time when our family truly revolved around the church. There was extra music so both the youth choir and the adult choir had very serious practices besides going to Lenten suppers and services. Sundays were connected to the season with more anticipation toward Easter and spring. As a child I remember feeling closer to Jesus in that time of Lent. It was a time when we really studied the person of Jesus. The music, the colors, the scriptures all called us to a closer relationship with the Lord.

This year, once again, we will gather around the themes of Lent. We will pray, and sing and study. Lent is a time to focus in on your relationship with Jesus. May you center on the church and may you approach with anticipation the devotion of the season of Lent.

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