Wednesday, June 26, 2013

On Being a Healthy Church...

Whenever I get together with other pastors and church leaders, I feel alone. (Well except that Pastor Brad is also there and he knows the same feelings as I.) Clergy after clergy are bemoaning lowering attendance, lack of funds and lack of enthusiasm. Pastor after pastor is lamenting a lack of spirituality and charity. Person after person expresses sadness and depression in their daily walk with God.

I sit there trying to figure out what to say….I want to say, “Things are great at Abiding Love! We are growing. Attendance is up – even for the summer months! Our children are crazy fun and always laughing! Our youth sponsors are bold and courageous! Worship is thought provoking and uplifting. I’m exhausted by the pure joy of it all!” but then, I’m afraid that they just wouldn’t believe me or that I would somehow be putting them down.

The fact is; Abiding Love is a very healthy congregation. Here are a few reasons that I think this is so…
•        We put love first.
•        We are not afraid of change, not just for change sake but for good reasons.
•        You aren’t afraid of your pastors.
•        We evaluate programs and ministries to make them the best they can be.
•        We know that we don’t have to agree on everything to be in ministry together.
•        We value children and their unique spirituality.
•        We talk things out, not behind any backs and not in the parking lot.
•        We put love first. Thank you God for placing me in this community!

Thank you for these members and these colleagues. Bless us as we go about your ministry and bless our neighbors and all those struggling with their calls and congregations. Amen.

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