Jesus heals the Centurion’s son and the “servant was healed in that hour.”
Jesus heals Peter’s mother and “she got up and began to serve him.”
Jesus heals the Gadarene Demoniac of his many demons and the town “begs Jesus to leave them.”
On and on Jesus goes about doing resurrection things; healing, saving, transforming.
ἐγείρω (Gtr. egeiro) meaning 'to raise' – One of the meanings of ‘Resurrection’ is merely to raise. It’s not only bringing life back after death. Jesus “raised up” people from alienation, from disease, from shame to a new and better life.
Yet we know very little of what happened to those that he encountered in the days that followed. Their very lives had been altered for good – don’t you wonder what happened next? How did they then live fully knowing that they had been touched by the master?
And what about us? How do we live as people for whom Jesus has come near?
What difference does the resurrection make? What difference does an encounter with Jesus make?
How can we live authentic, intentional and Spirit-filled lives?
In the Sundays that follow Easter, we will recall biblical stories of encounters with Jesus and examine the rest of the story….
April 27: Simon Peter
May 4: Thomas
May 11: Mary and Martha
May 18: James, the Brother of Jesus
May 25: Paul
June 1: Mary Magdalene
June 8: Pentecost – Running on Empty