Bishop Hanson began by reminding us that as Lutherans in the ELCA we are members of a ‘richly diverse, pluralistic church’! But just as soon as he made us feel good with this announcement, he warned us of an epidemic sweeping the nation. He said that the latest disease of the ELCA is – NASTALGIA. You know that unhealthy desire to return to the ‘old ways’ and to desire that so much – that you no longer live in a mission context. Now, he warned, ‘nostalgia’ is not the same as a ‘memory’. A memory is that which lifts up and reminds a person of their roots, but, what is most important about our roots as Lutherans is that we are “deeply rooted in always being made new”! Bishop Hanson reminded us that in Luther’s introduction to the Letter to the Romans, he wrote:
“ Faith is a living, daring confidence on God's grace, so sure and certain that a man would stake his life on it a thousand times. This confidence in God's grace and knowledge of it makes men glad and bold and happy in dealing with God and all His creatures; and this is the work of the Holy Ghost in faith. Hence a man is ready and glad, without compulsion, to do good to everyone, to serve everyone, to suffer everything, in love and praise to God, who has shown him this grace; and thus it is impossible to separate works from faith, quite as impossible as to separate heat and light from fire. Beware, therefore, of your own false notions and of the idle talkers, who would be wise enough to make decisions about faith and good works, and yet are the greatest fools. Pray God to work faith in you; else you will remain forever without faith, whatever you think or do.”
May we always live with a daring confidence in God’s grace!
With Abiding Love,
Pastor Lynnae