Growing up, my family had a couch that was a favorite. Everyone fought to get the corner seat that was closest to the TV! After many years the corner seat got flat and there were even a few lumps and some poky springs! By angling the couch in a new way, the best seat became the center! My mom loved moving the furniture!
I took a church architecture class while in seminary. One of the books we read was ‘Moving the Furniture’ by William Seth Adams (the instructor!). It was an interesting book that challenged the student to move themselves along with the furniture into some new configuration. It’s intent is to “change” opinion and practice!
I’ve never let it be a secret that I LOVE change! I really do! I find change exciting and full of possibilities.
We’re really moving the furniture at Abiding Love. Not literally, but figuratively. We are welcoming Pastor Brad Highum as our Associate Pastor on Dec. 1, 2011. We are transitioning with Ashley Dellagiacoma as she moves out of working with Youth and Education but remains with us as our seminarian, with Abiding Love as her teaching
congregation. This means that Ashley will spend around 5 hours a week with us in ministry as a field for learning, but she will no longer be in the office focused on our Youth and Education programs.
Along with those changes, we are working with Heimsath Architects on our Abiding Love Mater Plan for refurbishing and renewing the Fetter Activity Center and the Children’s Center! Soon the entire congregation will be invited to walk about the grounds and help imagine ‘moving the furniture’! I’ve had several couches since that favorite old family one and yet I still love moving them around!
With abiding love,
Pastor Lynnae