Times are hard. More and more people seem to be ‘falling among thieves’ as the man in the Good Samaritan story of the Gospel of Luke. Prayers and emotional support are one way of ‘binding up the wounds’ of those in need. We also are given the opportunity to offer financial help. One way is with the South Austin Assistance Ministry (SAAM), of which Abiding Love participates with donations and representation. SAAM is one way in which those neighbors that show up, out of the blue, are referred for financial assistance. This charitable organization relieves us of the background checks, verification and just plain old banking.
On the other hand, members of our own congregation, when in need, are helped with the Abiding Love Good Samaritan Fund. This fund is accessed by me, the Senior Pastor. Of course, this isn’t cut and dried. There are times when I break my own rules and give some money to those that just walk in off the streets. Sometimes, as Pastor Fetter used to say “we error on the side of grace”.
We don’t send members of Abiding Love to SAAM, we assist them directly. This month we have given over $800 to help those sitting next to us in our pews. As of writing this article, we have $293 left in our Good Sam Fund. Please help your neighbors. Indicate on your offering envelope any gifts that you offer to ‘Good Sam’.
With abiding love,
Pastor Lynnae